Friday, 7 February 2025


A worldwide network

UNIGE Alumni is an association for all graduates of the University of Geneva. Created in 2009, we now have thousands of members and our network is growing every day – across Geneva, Switzerland and over 90 other countries. We work to open local chapters and to set up communities for specific faculties or regions in the world’s major cities.

What you get as a member

As a member, you get access to the Career Centre and specific job ads. You also get access to UNIGE sports and cultural activities at Alumni prices. In addition, we run a programme of talks, exhibitions, concerts and theatre shows, together with research-based and cultural trips with UNIGE professors as your guide.

Through our mentoring programme, accommodation postings and student questionnaires, we also do what we can to support current students in their studies. And to top it all off, members get discounts on a range of Swiss and international newspaper subscriptions, laptops and insurance.

Membership terms and conditions

Any UNIGE graduate who completed at least two semesters at UNIGE can become a member of UNIGE Alumni, which is a private-law association that is independent from, but closely linked to, UNIGE. Teaching staff, former students who did not graduate and exchange students can become associate members, subject to certain conditions.


Romaine Jean
Romaine Jean
Former editor-in-chief for society matters at RTS
Minette Zeukeng
Minette Zeukeng
Stéphane Berthet Stéphane Berthet
Vice-Rector at the University of Geneva
Robert-Pascal Fontanet
Robert-Pascal Fontanet
Honorary notary
Matthieu Ischer
Matthieu Ischer
Doctor of neurosciences, scientific assistant at the University of Geneva Department of neurosciences
Grégoire Ribordy
Grégoire Ribordy
Co-founder & Head of ID Quantique
Anne Rist
Anne Rist
Head of integration and insertion at the University of Geneva
Isabel Rochat
Isabel Rochat
Former member of the Geneva State Council
Patrick Schefer
Patrick Schefer
Head of the Fondation d’aide aux entreprises
Bernard Ziegler
Lawyer and former president of the Geneva State Council


Karin Byland
Karin Byland
Head of Alumni UNIGE



  • Patrick Aebischer
    Former president of Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
  • Kofi Annan †
    Former Secretary-General of the United Nations
    Chairman of the Kofi Annan Foundation
    Docteur honoris causa at the University of Geneva
  • José Manuel Barroso
    Former President of the European Commission
  • Carla Del Ponte
    Former Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations international criminal law tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and for Rwanda
    Former Swiss Ambassador to Argentina
  • Ruth Dreifuss
    Former President of Switzerland
    Former Federal Councillor
  • Edmond H. Fischer †
    Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine laureate, 1992
  • Michel Mayor
    Nobel Prize in Physics laureate, 2019
    Astronomer who co-discovered the first exoplanet
    Honorary professor at the University of Geneva
  • Claude Nicollier
    First Swiss astronaut in space, EPFL professor
    Docteur honoris causa at the University of Geneva
  • Pascal Praplan
    Journalist, founder and director of Alumni UNIGE (2009 to 2021)

Article 15. Executive Committee members

The Executive Committee is made up of the president of UNIGE Alumni, the treasurer, other elected or co-opted members, and a representative of the University of Geneva’s Rector’s Office. It has between seven and 15 members.

Article 16. Tasks of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee decides how UNIGE Alumni will be managed and determines its general policy. Its main tasks are to:

  • draw up a budget and determine how resources will be allocated;
  • organize annual general meetings and prepare items on the meeting agenda, such as membership fees, membership applications and expulsions, the annual report and accounts, and changes to the articles of association;
  • appoint the management team;
  • represent, together with the Honorary Committee, UNIGE Alumni.

Article 21. Honorary Committee

  1. The Honorary Committee is made up of honorary members who are former students of the University of Geneva.
  2. Members of the Honorary Committee are appointed by the Executive Committee.
  3. Members of the Honorary Committee are invited to Executive Committee meetings and to annual general meetings. They have an advisory vote.
  4. Members of the Honorary Committee represent UNIGE Alumni within their field and help to increase its notoriety.


Although UNIGE Alumni is closely linked to and supported by the University of Geneva, it is a private, not-for-profit organization that must, over time, find its own financial resources. That is why at our annual general meeting in 2009, we decided to charge members a fee of just CHF 50 a year. This is the lowest fee for an Alumni club in Switzerland.

We wish to thank you for your valuable support.

Paying your fee

IBAN: CH9700788000050169418
Clearing/CB: 788

Alumni UNIGE, Uni-Dufour, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Beneficiary bank:
Banque Cantonale de Genève, Switzerland
Comunication to beneficiary:
Currency: Swiss francs

CHF 50.00 per year
CHF 1,000 for lifetime membership

Pay several years in one go
Just pay a multiple of CHF 50.00

Recent graduates
The fee is waived for the first year.

Accepted payment methods

  • Online

See our FAQs
Contact us:

Become a member of UNIGE Alumni

Already a member but forgotten your password ?


  • be a UNIGE graduate;
  • have completed at least two semesters at UNIGE; and
  • no longer be enrolled as a student.


  • The fee is CHF 50.00 per year
  • The fee is waived for graduates living outside Switzerland (not including neighbouring France) and alumni who graduated the previous year.
  • For more information on our fees, go to the fees page.


  • Please make sure you have spelled your email address correctly, as we won’t be able to sign you up and send you information without it.
  • We don’t accept email addresses.
  • If your first or last name has changed since you graduated, please indicate your name at the time of graduation under “birth name”.
  • Indicate the most recent degree you obtained from the University of Geneva.

Please complete the form below (fields marked * are compulsory)

Postal address

Alumni UNIGE
24, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1204 Geneva


Alumni UNIGE
Third floor, office 301
24, rue du Général-Dufour
CH-1204 Geneva


+41 (0)22 379 12 78


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