Friday, 28 February 2025


The Career Centre helps you jump-start your career

As a member of Alumni UNIGE, you get full access to the Career Centre for the first two years after you graduate. The experts there will help you in your job search. The Career Centre services include:

  • individual appointments to get advice on looking for a job, including a review of your job applications, practice job interviews and help creating a career plan;
  • workshops to help you create your career plan and identify your qualities, skills and job preferences;
  • events with potential employers and other professionals, such as the “Nuit des Carrières” and faculty-specific forums (with stands and presentations by employers).

Contact the
Career Centre

Alumni members can visit the Career Centre on the 1st floor of Rue du Général-Dufour 24 in Geneva.

By email:
By phone:
+41 22 379 77 02

Job ads

To support alumni in launching and developing their professional career, Alumni UNIGE offers its members a job board for both junior and senior profiles, carefully selected for UNIGE graduates. These offers are only available on the Alumni platform. Members are also notified of new job opportunities by email.

Looking to recruit a UNIGE graduate?

We have our own Alumni UNIGE job ad platform giving you access to an amazing talent pool with specialized expertise: the thousands of UNIGE graduates who are Alumni UNIGE members.

Any individual, company or institution can post an ad on our platform by filling in the form below.

The posting of the job offer is charged at CHF 200 per month. Employers receive an invoice within 24 hours of posting.
The publication of the offer becomes effective upon receipt of payment; employers are notified by email as soon as the ad goes online.

The publication criteria to be taken into account are as follows:

  • Only job offers for holders of a university bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree are accepted.
  • Multiple job offers within a single posting are not accepted. Each position must be advertised separately so that it can be precisely targeted.

Each job offer must be validated by our team. However, we reserve the right to reject ads that do not meet the aims of the platform.

Terms and conditions
A separate ad must be posted for each position.

CHF 200.00 per month.

You will receive a separate invoice for each ad.

Posting your job ad
The ad will be posted once we have received your payment.

Student jobs and
recent graduates
You can also use the Career Centre’s services.

Contact us
We’ll be happy to help you
by email:
or by phone: +41 (0)22 379 12 78

The Mentoring Programme ensures a seamless transition from uni to the job market

Organised by the Career Center and Alumni UNIGE, the Mentoring Programme is available to students nearing the end of their studies. The aim of the programme is to ease the transition between the university and the world of work. We put students in contact with professionals – often Alumni UNIGE members – who are eager to share their knowledge of the professional world.

Mentors help Master’s or doctoral level students (mentees) to:

  • Gain a better understanding of their future professional field and its needs
  • Discover their assets and skills
  • Establish their first networking contacts